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ANA2020 Virtual Meeting Announcement
ANA2020 Virtual Meeting Announcement
등록자 관리자 등록일 2020-06-25 조회수 2,261회

Announcement from the ANA, May 1, 2020:

ANA2020 is Going Virtual!

The health and safety of our members, speakers, and Annual Meeting attendees is our number one priority. After careful consideration, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s current trajectory, we’ve made the decision to transition ANA2020 to a fully virtual event to be held October 4-9, 2020. We recognize many members of our community may be reluctant or unable to travel due to institutional mandates and other external factors and this year’s virtual event ensures you won’t miss out on the latest neurological research. You’ll notice we’ve spread the program out over the course of a week and hope this adjustment will make it easier for you to attend.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures and we’re excited to share ANA is giving back to the neurological community by providing ANA members with complimentary registration for ANA2020. Additionally, we are offering significantly reduced registration rates for non-members.

For over 140 years, academic neurologists and neuroscientists have connected over exciting research updates and best practices at the ANA Annual Meeting and we’re confident this year will be no exception. Highlights of this year’s virtual event include: 

  • Plenary Sessions diving into the science behind recent breakthroughs in our understanding and treatment of neurological disorders across a broad etiological spectrum including “Genomics of Personalized Medicine,” “Microenvironment Control of Brain Tumor Pathogenesis,” and “Targeting Glia for Therapy: Mediators of Neuroinflammation, Degeneration and Repair”
  • Presidential Symposium on “Leveraging Digital Technologies in Neurology” and the Derek Denny-Brown Young Neurological Scholar Symposium featuring presentations from the 2020 Derek Denny-Brown awardees, the Wolfe Neuropathy Research Prize and the Grass Foundation-ANA Award in Neuroscience recipients
  • Presentations representing the latest advances in translational neuroscience, neurobiology of disease, and academic neurology
  • 18 Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions including Global Neurology, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Neurogenetics 
  • Interactive lunch workshops spotlighting advances across the full spectrum of neurologic subspecialties
  • Emerging Scholars Sessions, a new addition this year, focused on providing a platform for junior and early career investigator presentations
  • Emerging Scholar Awards as well as Poster Awards and Dependent Care Grants for presenting authors
  • Networking Opportunities (additional details to follow)

ANA2020’s virtual event brings education to you, when and where works best for you and physicians can claim a maximum of 29.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for their participation. Attendees will be able to experience sessions in real time as they will be live streamed along with live Q&A. Additionally, registration includes the ANA2020 Meetings Recording package, so you can watch and re-watch sessions at your convenience and claim CME credits for programs you may have been unable to attend live.   

ANA2020 provides a unique opportunity to engage with colleagues and make new connections from around the world. More details will be provided over the coming months and registration for this virtual event will open on June 15. Early bird registration will be available until September 8.


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