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International Japan Neurology Meeting 안내
International Japan Neurology Meeting 안내
등록자 관리자 등록일 2019-11-21 조회수 3,038회

On behalf of the Japanese Society of Neurology, I am pleased to announce you to call abstract for the International Japan Neurology Meeting on May 20-23, 2020 here in Okayama city, which is very close to Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima. Because this year in Osaka we have 8,000 neurologists from the world, I expect 10,000 neurologists from the world next year which may be the largest neurology meeting in the world. This meeting is also the highest scientific level in the world neurology fields.

The abstract submission will open October 1, and end November 25. Because you may find the program-at-a-glance as attached, please do not miss the abstract submission as half sessions will be English talking. This international meeting welcomes your oversea abstract submission. Because registration fee is very cheap for participants (US$150) and young bursaries for 100 foreign neurologists are available, your young fellows are also welcome to come join this meeting with abstract submissions.


Abstract opens from October 1 until November 25, 2019.

Registration will open December 2, and end next April 10, 2020.


첨부파일1 2019.09.26 neuro2020_Tentativ e Program(8-3) English HP.xls (다운 357회)
첨부파일2 2019.07.22 JNM2020Okayama flyer (2020.05.20-23).pdf (다운 407회)
LINK URL https://www.neurology-jp.org/neuro2020/en/ (클릭 1,025회)


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