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MDS-AOS Movement Disorders In Asia - Past to Present: Genetic Aspects
MDS-AOS Movement Disorders In Asia - Past to Present: Genetic Aspects
등록자 관리자 등록일 2021-10-18 조회수 1,532회


Program Description

The MDS-AOS Movement Disorders in Asia - Past to Present: Genetic Aspects course will introduce movement disorders first identified by Asian and Oceanian countries while offering specific practical advice on the assessment of patients in the clinic. Various kinds of sporadic and genetic disorders clinically present with movement disorders during the course of the illness, and the tremendous efforts of predecessors revealed etiology of the disorders. The first patient’s genetic causes of some of the disorders were identified by researchers in Asian countries.  Learning the process of identification of etiology and characteristic features of the disorders will be an important guide for clarifying etiology of disorders with unknown causes.



- Basic/Translational Neuroscience

- Biomarkers & Diagnostic Tools

- Epidemiology & Environment

- Etiology & Pathophysiology

- Genetics



Course Directors:

Priya Jagota, MD – Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Shinsuke Fujioka, MD – Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan


Arisa Hayashida, MD - Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan

Yoshikazu Ugawa, MD, PhD - Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan

Yoshiko Nomura, MD, PhD - Yoshiko Nomura Neurological Clinic for Children, Tokyo, Japan

Saeed Bohlega, MD, FRCP - King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Gurusidheshwar Wali, DM - Neurospecialities Center, Belgauam, India

Cid Czarina Diesta, MD - Makati Medical Center, Quezon City, Philippines

Amir Al-Din, FRCP, Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield, United Kingdom

Roongroj Bhidayasiri, MD, FRCP, Chulalongkorn Centre of Excellence For Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders, Bangkok, Thailand


Course Purpose

The primary purpose of this program is to provide information on unique movement disorders found or identified throughout Asia and Oceania.


Registration Fee:

MDS Members: Free

MDS Non-Members: $50 USD

*Non-members wishing to apply for MDS Membership to receive the MDS Member rate for this course will need to apply for membership no later than 2 weeks in advance of session


Interactive Sessions

The virtual MDS-AOS Movement Disorders in Asia – Past to Present: Genetic Aspects course will consist of 10 lectures streamed and five case discussions over two days. Following each streamed lecture will be a live Question and Answer session, where the speakers will answer questions from attendees in real time. The individual lectures are recorded and will be available for on-demand viewing for 60 days following the live-stream event.

Day 1: Friday, November 5: 14:00 - 18:30 in Tokyo (5:00 – 9:30 UTC / 12:00-16:30 in Bangkok)


Day 2: Saturday, November 6: 14:00 - 18:45 in Tokyo (5:00 – 9:45 UTC / 12:00-16:45 in Bangkok)


Learning Objectives

As a result of this online course participants will be able to:

1. Enhance their knowledge of movement disorders first identified in Asian and Oceanian countries.

2. Learn the interesting history of certain movement disorders; from the discovery of the first patient to identification of the etiology.

3. Describe movement disorders with disease mechanisms that have recently been progressively uncovered. 

4. Recall how to interpret important investigations in the field of movement disorders, and how to apply this understanding to their clinical practice.

5. Demonstrate clinical skills in approaching phenomenology, typical and atypical presentations of the movement disorders.

6. Identify and categorize movement disorders that are more commonly seen in Asia and the Oceania.


Intended Audience

This course is intended for movement disorder specialists, neurologists, students, fellows, and basic and translational researchers.

Hardware and Software Requirements

1. Active Internet connection (DSL or Cable). Dial-up connection will have constant buffering problem.

2. Compatible with Windows PC and MAC (256 MB of RAM or higher)

3. Activity is best viewed on Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher and Firefox 29.0 or higher

4. Adobe Flash Player 12.0 (or higher).

5. Adobe Reader to print certificate.


Contact Us

MDS Education


MDS Secretariat Liaison

Stephanie Jensen

첨부파일1 Promotional vdo.mp4 (다운 178회)
LINK URL https://www.movementdisorders.org/Courses/MDS-AOS-Movement-Disorders-In-Asia--Past-to-Present-Genetic-Aspects.htm (클릭 92회)


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