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MDS Virtual Congress 2021
MDS Virtual Congress 2021
등록자 관리자 등록일 2021-05-07 조회수 1,299회

Dear Colleagues,  

We are excited to share the program of the MDS Virtual Congress 2021 with you. The MDS Leadership, along with the International Congress Oversight Committee, made the decision to host the 2021 International Congress in a primarily virtual format on September 17-22, 2021. We are confident that this decision will help the Society continue to reach all corners of the world and meet the needs of the changing global climate.  

MDS has been working on ways to make the Virtual Congress even more successful for 2021 including: high quality movement disorders education, opportunities for post-session discussion, networking opportunities for participants, electronic posters with opportunities to engage with presenters, and an innovative technology platform.  

We look forward to virtually welcoming you to the MDS Virtual Congress 2021 in September for no fee (complimentary).  


Claudia Trenkwalder, President, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, 2019-2021 

Oscar Gershanik, Chair, International Congress Oversight Committee, 2019-2021 

Vincenzo Bonifati, Chair, Congress Scientific Program Committee, 2019-2021 

LINK URL https://www.mdscongress.org/Congress-2021.htm (클릭 152회)


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The Korean Movement Disorder Society. All rights reserved.
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전화 : 82-2-6395-2876  팩스 : 82-2-6395-2875  이메일 : parkinson@kmds.or.kr
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