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[MDS] Neuropathology and Neuroimaging of Movement Disorders 안내
[MDS] Neuropathology and Neuroimaging of Movement Disorders 안내
등록자 관리자 등록일 2018-03-14 조회수 5,485회

Neuropathology and Neuroimaging of Movement Disorders
Seoul, Korea – June 15-16, 2018

The Neuropathology and Neuroimaging of Movement Disorders course takes place in Seoul, Korea, June 15-16, 2018.Course Director

Han-Joon Kim, Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Hospital

Course Description

The aim of this course is to provide an educational overview of neuropathology and neuroimaging in movement disorders, especially Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonism, through didactic lectures and clinicopathologic case conference. This two-day course will cover topics such as pathological findings in CNS and peripheral tissue in PD, alpha-synuclein pathologies in PD and related conditions including prodromal PD, alpha-synuclein propagation hypothesis, pathology of atypical parkinsonism, and the role of neuroimaging in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism.

Learning Objectives
  • Discuss the neuropathologic findings in PD and atypical parkinsonism
  • Discuss the role of neuroimaging in differential diagnosis of parkinsonism
  • Understand the laboratory findings and clinical findings related to alpha-synuclein pathology
Recommended Audience

Movement disorder specialists, neuropathologists, neuroradiologists, residents, and fellows interested in movement disorders from the MDS-AOS region.


Seoul National University Hospital


MDS is able to provide participants with a Letter of Support and any course-related documentation needed to assist in obtaining a visa. Please note that MDS is unable to contact the Embassy on your behalf. It is the responsibility of each participant to make the necessary arrangements related to this process. However, if the official handling your application needs further clarification, please email education@movementdisorders.org.

LINK URL https://www.movementdisorders.org/MDS/Education/Upcoming-Courses/Neuropathology-and-Neuroimaging-of-Movement-Disorders.htm (클릭 648회)


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The Korean Movement Disorder Society. All rights reserved.
주소 : (04167)서울 마포구 마포대로 33(도화동,마포한화오벨리스크) 20층 2011호
전화 : 82-2-6395-2876  팩스 : 82-2-6395-2875  이메일 : parkinson@kmds.or.kr
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