학회 공지

페이스북 바로가기(새창)트위터 바로가기(새창)현재페이지 출력(새창)글씨 크기 증가글씨 크기 감소
XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders 학술대회 지원 안내
XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders 학술대회 지원 안내
등록자 관리자 등록일 2011-10-24 조회수 9,935회

XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders
학술대회 지원 안내
2011년 12월 11부터 12월 14일까지 Shanghai, China에서 열리는 XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders 학회 참가 지원에 대해 알려드립니다.

  1. 학회 참가 지원은 초록제출자(포스터 발표자), 발표자, 좌장인 경우에 가능하며 초록의 경우는 초록 당 2인의 지원이 가능합니다.
    [단, 초록제출자(포스터 발표자)의 경우 주저자 외 공동저자 1인만 지원 가능]

  2. 규정에 합당한 지출에 대해서만 지원이 가능합니다. 지원 규정을 꼼꼼히 참조하여 주십시오.

  3. 해외학회 참가 지원 신청서와 좌장 선정 또는 초록 채택 이메일, 통장사본, 신분증 사본을 2011년 10월 31일(월)까지 학회로 제출하여 주십시오. (e-mail등 연락처 하단 참조)

  4. 학회 심사 후 선정여부를 통보해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

    본 학회의 지원기관은 한국다국적의약산업협회(KRPIA)와 한국제약협회(KPMA) 입니다.
    (두 곳의 지원 매뉴얼을 홈페이지에 공지하오니 참고 하시기 바랍니다.)

      제출 서류:

  1. 학술대회 참가 지원 신청서_WFN
  2. 초록 채택 메일(accept mail) 원본 [하단의 예시문구들을 확인하여 메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.]
  3. 초록 원본 파일
  4. 통장, 신분증 사본
서울시 종로구 대학로 101번지 서울대학교병원 신경과 대한 파킨슨병 및 이상운동질환 학회
[T. 02-2072-2876 / E-mail: hjeong1016@paran.com 강혜정 ]
*전화문의는 받지 않사오니 이메일로 문의 주시면 성실히 답변해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

  1. 학술대회 참가 지원 신청서_WFN.hwp
  2. 국내외학술대회 참가자 정산 매뉴얼_v.2 20110218_한국다국적의약산업협회.doc
  3. 학술대회 참가자 지원 가이드라인(3차개정-수정2).hwp

초록 채택 메일 원본 예시1>
-----Original Message----- From: "MDPD 2010"
To: *******@yahoo.co.kr
Cc: semicoma@hanmail.net
Sent: 10-11-18(목) 18:14:09
Subject: MDPD 2010 - Poster Scheduling Notification A-2*3-**23-0***8
Poster Scheduling Notification A-2*3-**23-0***8
7th International Congress on Mental Dysfunctions & Other Non-Motor Features in Parkinson's Disease & Related Disorders
Barcelona, Spain, December 9-12, 2010

Dear 참가자,

On behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee, we are pleased to inform you that your abstract A-2*3-**23-0***8 entitled "******************************************************" has been selected for POSTER PRESENTATION at the 7th International Congress on Mental Dysfunctions & Other Non-Motor Features in Parkinson's Disease & Related Disorders.

Instructions on how to prepare posters can be found on the congress website: http://www2.kenes.com/mdpd2010/pages/home.aspx (http://www2.kenes.com/mdpd2010/sci/Pages/PosterPresentation.aspx). Please be sure to keep to these specifications.

Your abstract has been selected to be presented for a poster walk on:

Date: Saturday December 11, 2010
Time: 07:00-08:00
Board number: 50

Posters will be on display for two shifts:
Poster Session I
Thursday - Friday, December 10, Poster Board Numbers 1-144

Poster Session II
Saturday - Sunday, December 11, Poster Board Numbers 1-145

Your poster should be displayed as per the number in the Programme. Posters scheduled for poster session 1 should be mounted from Thursday, December 9th, at 13:30. Please remove them on Friday, December 10th, no later than 16:00 Posters scheduled for poster session 2 are to be mounted from Friday, December 10th from 17:00. Please remove your poster on Sunday, December 12 no later than 13:00. The Organising Committee will not be responsible for posters that are not removed on time


On Friday and Saturday between 07:00-08:00 the congress will hold poster walks. Authors are requested to be present at their posters during the full hour. At that time, poster chairpersons will be present and discuss posters selected by the Congress Programme Committee.

The presenting author must confirm his/her attendance and register for the conference.

1. Please register by November 25 in order to receive a poster board. All those who have not registered by this date will not receive a board to present their poster. The registration link is below:

3. We also encourage you to book your accommodation promptly, as availability may be limited in some hotels. http://www2.kenes.com/mdpd2010/acc/Pages/HotelAccommodation.aspx for more information on available hotels for the congress.

For technical questions regarding your abstract submission please contact mdpd2010@abstractserver.com. For all other queries, please do contact the secretariat at zkleinschmidt@kenes.com.

Yours sincerely,
MDPD2010 Abstract Team on behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee

초록 채택 메일 원본 예시2>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Secretariat
Date: 2011/3/8
Subject: AOPMC Poster Presentation Notification (Prof. JI-YOUNG KIM)
To: ********@gmail.com
Cc: secretariat@aopmc2011taiwan.com
8 March 2011

Attention: Prof. 참가자
Registered email: *********@gmail.com
Dear Prof. 참가자
This email is to inform you the location of your poster, the designated poster presentation time in the Guided Poster Tour Session and other relevant details.
Abstract Number: 1*5
Abstract Topic: *****************
Abstract Title: ***********************
Poster Display
The location of your poster is B***. Please prepare your poster according to your abstract. The size of your poster should NOT exceed 95cm in width (maximum) and 195cm in length (maximum). The mounting time is from 10:00 ? 17:00, Friday, 25 March 2011. Tapes for poster mounting will be provided in the poster area. If you are unable to mount your poster before this time, please make sure you mount your poster before your designated poster presentation time.
Poster Presentation (Guided Poster Tour Session)
Date: Sunday, 27 March 2011
Time: 13:00-14:00
Venue: Room 103, West Hallway
Guided Poster Tour will be led by 2 Chairs. Please stand-by at your poster at the above time and be ready to give a 2-3 minute presentation.
Chairs of the Guided Poster Tour Sessions will jointly decide 8 best posters. The list of the best posters will be announced on the bulletin board at 15:30 on the same day at the Registration Desk. The authors of the best posters will receive a certificate of award in the beginning of the Video Session in Room 101 on 27 March. If the winning author is not able to present to accept the certificate, it is encouraged to find another person to accept it on his/her behalf.
Please be reminded that if you have not registered to the 3rd AOPMC, please complete the registration procedure online and remit the registration fee to the Congress Secretariat before 15 March 2011. Your abstract will only be printed in the Abstract Booklet on condition that registration is completed before the above date.
Best Regards,
AOPMC 2011 Secretariat
Ms. Gloria Liu


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The Korean Movement Disorder Society. All rights reserved.
주소 : (04167)서울 마포구 마포대로 33(도화동,마포한화오벨리스크) 20층 2011호
전화 : 82-2-6395-2876  팩스 : 82-2-6395-2875  이메일 : parkinson@kmds.or.kr
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